anyway, so yeah log cabins rule. i just wish there was a cooler way to refer to them. i find that all my favorite styles sound so old bitty. well, to curb that, i wish to introduce my newest friend, raleigh...
he is a log cabin, and he is happy about it!!!
it's a kind of off the cuff cabin, i mean, structurally i wouldn't base any actual cabins off him, as each wall is a different size, but i love the way it came out. i started with a 4 1/2 inch block as the center and worked my way out without any real plan originally, just what looked good. of course i had to use some kaffe and jay mccarroll, seriously cannot get enough of habitat, and i finished it off with a clean white border.
i think the palette is more in the girl realm, so i am finishing up a second one now with more boy friendly colors. i also think i will be making this into a pattern, so check back for it soon. my etsy shop is hopefully going to be up in two weeks. i was hoping for mid april, but it looks more like first week of may. no problem though, i am very excited. everything in it's time, and now's the time for log cabins!
So this is what you did with your Saturday!? For me it was an album from the wedding. I totally love, love, love the Habitat in there! Soooo pretty! Another great quilt! xoxo